Adoptionz & Litterz
Welcome to the Adoptions page; below you will find both litterz and singlez. Would you like to adopt one or two of these adorable catz or dogz? Well, all you have to do is follow the requirements and email the form to me. *All petz are bred in Petz 4; unless otherwise stated, petz may likely be inbred, trimmed and/or hexed.
Requirements-don't worry; they don't bite
1) Keep Elfland's or Elfland Woods' or EWKC's in the Prefix.
2) Please do not change their names
3)Feel free to hex eyelids and/or change gender
4) Do not adopt just to put the petz back up for adoption on your own site-this is not fair to me or to these petz who are looking for good homes.
5) You may adopt 3 petz per week (2 per litter) (so everyone can have a chance to adopt).
6) Studies have shown your petz will be happier if you play with them! :)
The Form
Your Name:
Your email
Your Website's Name (if applicable):
Your website's URL (if applicable):
Which Petz you want:
(Male; female; adopted
All pages are © Elfland Woods, 2001-present. Please don't take anything without asking. Thanks.